Tuesday, January 22, 2008

NO cable NO pussy please NO Hanity

Jan. 23,2008
Man I tell you what I have been sick for a few days and the same with my Thai girl friend. It isn’t fun, both of us coughing, sneezing, blowing our noses and a lot of sleeping. Thai girls when they are sick become different creatures. Their beauty disappears right before your eyes, sagging swollen puffy eyes, blotchy complexions, deep hallow eyes and a frown takes away their smile. Surely a creature you don’t want to fuck and even more surely you wouldn’t want to be trapped in a condo with one for 5 days with out cable. The sweet sounds of their subservient nature become sounds of wild beast in a sympathy of jungle sounds. If you are super horny and are ready to fuck the beast and are lucky enough to convince her by fucking you she will get well sooner, those oues and awes sounds of her love making that you love so much, soon sound like a pack of monkeys in distress. Some times I just want to be alone and this is one of those times, I will tell you why. Our sickness coincided with the cable going out. Now we only get one channel the no spin fair and balanced Fox cable news. I shit you not.

I think if Pattaya blew up and there was one TV station still on the air it would be Fox. There is something evil about that, something sinister and unholy. I can see it now the third world war, cities in ruin, no lighting, clean water a thing of the past, chaos in the streets, no electricity and no communications except for the giant Jumbotron plasma tv in times square and the TV in my little condo there in all his splendor will be Sean Hanity dressed perfectly with ever hair in place talking about how great the economy is and how well the war to protect or freedom is doing. How high fuel prices, inflation, recession, the crumbling housing market is good for us. The falling dollar is good for business because more foreign countries will buy or products, our land, our banks, our businesses, our politicians and our souls. Because of the poor condition America is in, caused by poor policy, America is for sale. Hannity would say things could be worst Bill Bubba Clinton could be in office getting blow jobs in the White house.

Well enough of this political bull shit here is something far worse. A young lady died because her HMO would not pay for her kidney trans plant. How heartless, how this could happen is beyond comprehension. As a parent I would be devastated and would want those decision makers to pay for their crimes. Why aren’t the American people up in arms over this. Where is the compassion from the compassionate conservatives? 47 million people don’t have insurance and many of the ones that do still can’t afford hospital visits because of co-pays deductibles and pre-existing conditions. What a bunch of bull shit. I don’t for the love of god see why these conditions continue in the riches country in the world.

We have been duped by one of the oldest tricks in the books, slight of hand, DIVERSION, by diverting our attention using fear that we are having pounded into our head by the left hand (war on terror protecting our freedom the broken border) while the right hand is picking our pockets. Gentleman George Orwell’s book 1984 is a live and well in 2008.
I am not feeling so well and being trapped in this condo with a sick Thai girl who makes weird noises is making me angry. So I am sorry for my ranting.

Oh one more thing does the government really want to seal the boarder with Mexico; I think not, where would businesses cheap labor go. Did you know Mexico is the number 2 exporter of oil to the USA. Sounds to me like some back door deals were made, and like the Saudis we don’t want to hurt their feelings, so we kiss their fucking asses!!!!!! The common denominator in the world’s problems is oil and what are we doing about it….nothing, because the true power is making a killing in the United States off of oil, and the war so much so that even a total collapse of the economy would not affect the supper rich power brokers.


Saturday, January 19, 2008

So different

January 19 2008

Back in the western world when the wife or your boss at where you work says, “the bug man is coming today”, it means the exterminator to spray your home or office. So when my Thai girlfriend said, “darling= bug= man come= to= day= ok= with= you.

Sure why would I be angry, it shows initiative on your part dear on keeping the place clean.

So= u= no= angry= me?????

No darling I no angry you.

I am at my computer writing when the door bell rings, DING DONG DING DONG. My girlfriend jumps up from her prone position on the couch and faster then I have ever seen her move she flies like a run away jet to answer the door.

Darling= I= need= 50= Baht ($1.50 US).

Without taking my eyes from the computer I tell her the money is on the counter. She hands it to the man at the door and goes into the kitchen. That was quick I said I don’t even smell the bug spray. She goes to the toilet and I get up for a drink of water and walk into the kitchen. What I found shocked me, a plate of dead bugs and a pair of chop sticks.

These are a strange people and I have learned what words mean to us in English don’t mean the same in Thai. The bug man is coming is not an exterminator but a food deliver service that delivers dead bugs for a high protein snack food.

Can anyone spot the difference in these two photo’s.

If you guessed the toilet seat Is up in photo one you are right. Now back in the states every time I would always put the seat down after I finished taking a piss and if I didn’t I would never hear the end of it from my Farang (westerner) wife. You would have thought I had committed a capital offence. A crime that was punishable by shunning, with holding sex for weeks and dirty looks. I always thought that the wife should put the seat up for us guys so when we are lazy or drunk we don’t pee all over the seat.

Here in Thailand when T wasn’t looking I would sneak in to the bath room and put the seat down and run and jump to my seat at the computer desk with out TGF knowing what I was up to and start typing away. With the eyes in the back of my head I would be watching my TGF to see if she moved, she didn’t and I soon forgot to keep an eye on her and my focusing went back to work on writing. 20 minutes later when I would have to pee I would walk into the bathroom to piss and some how the seat was up. What the fuck how and when did she do this? I never have caught her or found how she has done this deed or if she is even the one who does this. It is just one of the many mysteries of this strange land and its people.


Friday, January 18, 2008

smarten up America i can't take it anymore

Smarten up America
I like to talk about something I don’t talk about on the Pattaya secrets board that I normally post on and that is politics. Living here in Thailand and watching Fox news all-day is driving me nuts. Some one ought to take that Sean Hanity nut case and put a gun in his hand and send him to Iraq. I am sick and tiered of him blowing his horn about the war on terror and our freedom. The war in Iraq has nothing to do with the war on terror or our freedom. It has nothing to do with 911.

The whole world knows that the real culprit is Saudi Arabia and oil. Why is Bush begging the Saudis for cheaper oil, why is Bush making an arms deal with the real culprits of the 911 tragedy, why has Bush been in business with them for years and know one talks about it.

Oh and all the republicans talk about is tax cuts tax cuts the fucking cure all for Americas economic problems. Well they campaigned on that in the last election and cut taxes. What I want to know is did it work or did it fuck things up. The dollar sucks the housing and fuel crises sucks jobs suck our reputation around the world sucks and the collapse of our country’s economy is imminent.

Do firemen throw more wood on a lumber yard fire in order to extinguish it? I think not? Should we arm the biggest terrorist country Saudi Arabia, like we armed Saddam, Osama and some of the world’s worst governments? What a fucking JOKE this administration is. The joke is not funny and it is on the American people.

I say lets make the Saudis pay for 9-11 and take the oil that we need for free. Pull our troops from Iraq end the war the killing the tax dollars spent and bomb the fuck out of where we think Osama is hiding. Let go of the restraints we use on Israel so they can take care of business their way. Let them handle Iran they will don’t it right. Lets give Israel what they need to do the job.

Lets build new oil refineries, nuclear power plants and use some of the money being spent on the war to development of alternative energy. Thank you very much and have a nice day.


Thursday, January 17, 2008

sex drugs and chop sticks

I like to start my first blog saying I don’t know anything about blogging. Why blogging , who is blogging, what is blogging? I have been writing for two years on a web site that caters to men who travel to Thailand, and have acquired a very loyal following. I write about life as an American living in a strange new world, a third world. It is a world so different culturally that I may as well be living on the moon. I write about relationships, living condition, day to day struggles with it’s people, people who eat bugs and soup with chop stick for god sakes.The men that come here to live are a different bread of man they are akin to the men who first settled the Americas. They are adventure seekers, tax evaders, and wanted criminals. Some have been stung by a costly divorce and now hate all Western women and the laws that govern the west. The word for foreigner in Thai is Farang. Farangs come her by the thousands every year from all over the world for a holiday. They are men who are business men, teachers, doctors, lawyers, construction workers and military. Some are very educated some or not, some have a shit load of money and some don’t. They come here for the women, the booze, the beach and relaxation.We all have our story as to the why we come here and why many of us never leave. For those that dare come here with out reading the warning label that should be printed in large block red letters on each ticket sold, “Warning Thailand is an addictive drug, enter at your own risk”. For those of you about to read my blog or for those of you thinking about coming here for a holiday, beware for you are about to enter the spin zone. I was a newbie once, a first timer to Thailand at the ripe old age of fifty-five. I came here like most of you do, for the girls, and to escape the riggers of stupid land (your home) where ever that may be. You know the place where you are invisible to the new generation of young women. The place where you work your ass off, put up with shit from your wife or your X and spend every waking minute spending the money you work so hard for to find new women or taking care of your old women.You have to put up with car payments, insurances, mortgage, taxes, work, kissing your bosses ass, your wife or X’s ass and the kids. You have to wake up at a certain time go to bed at a certain time be some where at a certain time and be somewhere that you don’t want to be, a business meeting, a school function, dinner with the in-laws. You know what I am talking about. You put up with all the bullshit of the West because you have to, so you think.Now I have been there I have worked raised a family and enjoyed my kids, but I got to a certain age and had a heart attack which changed my life. What the fuck am I doing I am mortal and have a limited time in this world, and was not happy. My kids have grown and have families of there own. The sweet young girl I married turned into her mother, an over weight nag. My only enjoyment in life was the TV my dog Jack and the occasional visit from the kids. I was bored. I decided to do something for ME. I want to do something with out the condition of pleasing anyone other than me.It drove me crazy because being a Western man I had responsibility’s to family and with that came guilt, an over whelming guilt, where just the thought of not living up to my responsibility’s was driving me mad. 911 changed all that, I felt a higher calling. The world was going to shit I was going to shit, and I am going to do something about it.I decided to join the fight on terrorism and become a part of the new generation. I finally was growing some balls like I had when I was a young man and was a Marine grunt fighting in Vietnam. I remembered the feelings I had, feelings of adventure the thrill of life and death situations, adrenal rushing through my body, the feeling of being alive. I wanted that feeling again.I began to train my body and mind, plan a course of action. After months of martial arts training, the studying of Zen and learning the right combination of meds, I was ready. Where to fight the fight and also find young pussy was my next dilemma. I thought about going to Iraq, Afghanistan or maybe the new Eastern European rogue nation but I settled on Thailand, Pattaya Beach Thailand.Here I would rage war on them fucked up terrorist, hunt them down and kill them. Here I will become visible to the new generation and get laid with minimal effort like when I was young. I am pumped ready for action, now bring it on. My IPOD is filled with the music I love.I came to fight the Muslim Terrorist, for they are the enemy. But in my quest I found an even more deadly, more cunning enemy. One that comes wrapped in a small package, one that is polite, soft, sweet, brown with dark almond eyes, that smells like I think the Garden of Eden to smell like. There are thousands of them, they are every where.