Thursday, January 17, 2008

sex drugs and chop sticks

I like to start my first blog saying I don’t know anything about blogging. Why blogging , who is blogging, what is blogging? I have been writing for two years on a web site that caters to men who travel to Thailand, and have acquired a very loyal following. I write about life as an American living in a strange new world, a third world. It is a world so different culturally that I may as well be living on the moon. I write about relationships, living condition, day to day struggles with it’s people, people who eat bugs and soup with chop stick for god sakes.The men that come here to live are a different bread of man they are akin to the men who first settled the Americas. They are adventure seekers, tax evaders, and wanted criminals. Some have been stung by a costly divorce and now hate all Western women and the laws that govern the west. The word for foreigner in Thai is Farang. Farangs come her by the thousands every year from all over the world for a holiday. They are men who are business men, teachers, doctors, lawyers, construction workers and military. Some are very educated some or not, some have a shit load of money and some don’t. They come here for the women, the booze, the beach and relaxation.We all have our story as to the why we come here and why many of us never leave. For those that dare come here with out reading the warning label that should be printed in large block red letters on each ticket sold, “Warning Thailand is an addictive drug, enter at your own risk”. For those of you about to read my blog or for those of you thinking about coming here for a holiday, beware for you are about to enter the spin zone. I was a newbie once, a first timer to Thailand at the ripe old age of fifty-five. I came here like most of you do, for the girls, and to escape the riggers of stupid land (your home) where ever that may be. You know the place where you are invisible to the new generation of young women. The place where you work your ass off, put up with shit from your wife or your X and spend every waking minute spending the money you work so hard for to find new women or taking care of your old women.You have to put up with car payments, insurances, mortgage, taxes, work, kissing your bosses ass, your wife or X’s ass and the kids. You have to wake up at a certain time go to bed at a certain time be some where at a certain time and be somewhere that you don’t want to be, a business meeting, a school function, dinner with the in-laws. You know what I am talking about. You put up with all the bullshit of the West because you have to, so you think.Now I have been there I have worked raised a family and enjoyed my kids, but I got to a certain age and had a heart attack which changed my life. What the fuck am I doing I am mortal and have a limited time in this world, and was not happy. My kids have grown and have families of there own. The sweet young girl I married turned into her mother, an over weight nag. My only enjoyment in life was the TV my dog Jack and the occasional visit from the kids. I was bored. I decided to do something for ME. I want to do something with out the condition of pleasing anyone other than me.It drove me crazy because being a Western man I had responsibility’s to family and with that came guilt, an over whelming guilt, where just the thought of not living up to my responsibility’s was driving me mad. 911 changed all that, I felt a higher calling. The world was going to shit I was going to shit, and I am going to do something about it.I decided to join the fight on terrorism and become a part of the new generation. I finally was growing some balls like I had when I was a young man and was a Marine grunt fighting in Vietnam. I remembered the feelings I had, feelings of adventure the thrill of life and death situations, adrenal rushing through my body, the feeling of being alive. I wanted that feeling again.I began to train my body and mind, plan a course of action. After months of martial arts training, the studying of Zen and learning the right combination of meds, I was ready. Where to fight the fight and also find young pussy was my next dilemma. I thought about going to Iraq, Afghanistan or maybe the new Eastern European rogue nation but I settled on Thailand, Pattaya Beach Thailand.Here I would rage war on them fucked up terrorist, hunt them down and kill them. Here I will become visible to the new generation and get laid with minimal effort like when I was young. I am pumped ready for action, now bring it on. My IPOD is filled with the music I love.I came to fight the Muslim Terrorist, for they are the enemy. But in my quest I found an even more deadly, more cunning enemy. One that comes wrapped in a small package, one that is polite, soft, sweet, brown with dark almond eyes, that smells like I think the Garden of Eden to smell like. There are thousands of them, they are every where.


Anonymous said...

Keep fightin the good fight LVP!!! I will soon be there to help you.

The Vaginal Terrorist DAGO BINLOUIE

Anonymous said...


Issarat said...

I love it.